Leading enterprise software
for service businesses
A user friendly, flexible business solution lets you stop focusing on your systems, so you can focus on your customers.
Services providers must consistently deliver extraordinary service, in an efficient manner, to survive and grow. That’s where our cloud-based ERP steps in.
No matter what kind of services you deliver, if your current systems can’t cope with your operations efficiently, let alone your future growth plans, it’s time we had a chat.
Consultants | Domestic Services | IT Services | Marketing Services | Scientific Services | Construction Sector
Financial Providers | Legal Services | Real Estate Services | Veterinary Services
Today’s service
business challenges
SMEs are facing increasing competition from global and large services providers who are diversifying into new fields
To remain competitive, service providers must deliver services efficiently, without diminishing quality
The quality of customer service has become a prime differentiator
Technology and processes need to scale efficiently and agilely with diversification into new service offerings and market sectors
Environmental challenges are increasingly affecting field operations
Increased security requirements involve more complex compliance
There’s increasing pressure to reduce costs and increase shareholder returns
Increasing requirements to comply with trade, industry and government regulations
How we help overcome
these challenges
We have helped many services providers overcome today’s challenges. Having a flexible and scalable ERP solution for data collection and interchange, data management and reporting, is critical.
We remove dependence on disparate systems and multiple spreadsheets and tailor the most appropriate MYOB ERP solution to cater for your current and future needs.
We can help with the management of projects, provide remote access to support scheduling and data collection for field staff, and make it easy to manage complex advanced billing scenarios.
Instant snapshots and flexible reporting mean your teams have access to critical information, on any device, wherever they may be.
Flexible pricing
Manage complex advanced billing scenarios and multiple variables at once -including fixed price, cost plus, milestone billing, contract specific pricing, and time & materials.
Efficient management
of field operations
Provide field staff with access to the info they need about customers, equipment and schedules, to optimise efficiency and improve customer service.
Accurate Project Tracking
Monitor projects in real-time to track expenditures, employee time, sub-contractors, materials and inventory. The mobile app facilitates contract updates, time tracking and expense claim processing and more.